Donald J. Trump: President or Something Else?
Today the President of the United States openly threatened
NBC, one of the oldest broadcasters in the United States with a revocation of
its license because they published a story he deemed to be “fake-news”.
Regardless of the merits of the story or the overall
treatment of the President by the media, the idea that our President, a man who
swore to uphold the constitution of the united states, would so brazenly
threaten the first amendment rights of our fellow citizens is a sad testament
to how far we have sunk as a country.
The sorts of statements put out by the President are unequivocally
the stuff of third world strongmen and dictators, same as the threats that have
come out of the mouths of people like Nicholas Maduro.
This is something that should go beyond politics for all
patriotic Americans, we cannot accept the creation of a status quo where
political representatives, especially the President, can simply threaten people
openly because they publish things not to their liking.
I am no fan of the mainstream media and I acknowledge that
they have never given the President a fair shake, yet he is either unable or
unwilling to control his impulses and emotions, to be the strong, steady leader
we need as a country in these chaotic times.
The one thing we should demand of a President, beyond any particular
policy goals or personal wishes for the future of the country, is a sincere
defense of our fundamental liberties.
If a President cannot be counted on that most fundamental of
tasks, then he sets himself up against not just those of the opposing party,
but the whole of the citizenry as well, at least those who value liberty above
partisan politics.
Yes, past Presidents have abused or disregarded our rights,
often doing what they wanted or thought necessary instead of what the
constitution demanded, yet this is the first time in my life that I have heard
a President threaten a specific organization so obviously to shut them up.
Thankfully our system is still robust enough to protect us
from the predations of a person who clearly does not want to live up to the
ideals of the office he holds, but if we stay silent now, especially
Republicans, then we risk a future where we or our children might not have a
choice to speak up at all.
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