Don't mess with wages, support workers through education.
No one wants to work a job where the hours are long and the
pay is low and clearly if all workers in an economy had higher wages. People
with larger wages have more disposable income that they can either save for
large expenditures or spend, either of these scenarios can help grow the
economy and lead to more wealth creation all around. Beyond the cold economic downsides
of low wages, when people are living paycheck to paycheck or right on the edge
of poverty it should create a strong moral concern for all of society.
For those on that edge, one difficult life event can send
them spiraling down and losing everything. Living with the stress and anxiety
that creates is not easy and while we know how bad it can be in terms of
physical and mental health, history shows us that it can also push people
towards supporting extreme political movements that will only tend to make
things worse. This is why regardless of our political affiliations or beliefs,
we simply can’t ignore the issue of depressed wages. That does not mean however
that we allow our compassion and concern for the working poor to cloud our thinking
cause us to make unwise decisions that will ultimately hurt both them and the
wider economy.
Take for example the “fight for 15” campaign being waged across
the country; the idea is that if we raise the minimum wage to 15 dollars an
hour, millions will be lifted out of poverty. It is also argued that there will
be a reduction in the number of people on welfare and a strong boost to the
economy in terms of consumption and spending. Those things would certainly be
true, but the policy only makes sense if we ignore the very real possibility
that companies will simply reduce the number of employees the hire to
compensate for the rise in labor costs a $15 minimum wage represents. In
many industries such as restaurants, profit margins can be razor thin and it is
only through very high volume that companies are able to make money.
Let’s say a local burger joint has five employees being paid
an average of 8 dollars an hour, taking the minimum wage to $15 an hour would
mean going from a $6,400 a month payroll expense to $12,000 a month. That could
be the difference between turning a profit and taking a loss, especially for a
new business that doesn’t have built in name-recognition. So now that business
is forced to either close, raise its prices dramatically, or let go of some of
its employees and try to make up the difference through automation or using
more pre-processed ingredients. Either way, the likelihood is that having a $15
minimum wage will lead to significant job losses, especially in key industries.
Interestingly, it is probably the large, established companies that will
survive while the smaller newer ones will be driven out. This seems
counterproductive given the skeptical or even hostile attitude many who
spearheaded the minimum wage move have towards big business.
The above scenario, which seems to have actually occurred in
places like Seattle that have aggressively pushed a minimum wage hike, is an
example of the unintended consequences of government interference in the
private economic choices made between employers and employees. Others which
have been documented include the pricing out of the labor market of people with
little or limited skills and or work experience, the very people the policy is
supposed to help get out of crushing poverty.
Do unintended and often negative consequences mean we should
do nothing? Certainly, the libertarian argument would be to simply let the market
sort itself out. What if that takes decades to happen though, what if the
market won’t support higher wages given the current labor force? That might
mean that those desperate people turn towards populist movements and leaders
that will promise to solve their problem no matter the consequences. The
reality of politics and policy is that real flesh and blood people sometimes
can’t wait for everything to balance itself out economically. But how can a
state act without disrupting or at least minimizing its effect on the wide
economy? The answer is education, training, and apprenticeships.
The main problem with low wages is not that they are low, it
is that they are low relative to the age of the workers in question. There is
probably no problem with a teenager making $7.50 an hour or even $5 dollars an
hour since he or she probably still lives at home and is only working to get
experience and save some money. The problem is the 30-year-old mother of 2 making
that much, because the only way she survives is by taking on public benefits. This
is where education training, and apprenticeships come in. Instead of telling businesses and employees what wages should be, the government could expand
the availability of affordable or low-cost education and skills based training,
especially in those industries where there is a shortage of labor and the
graduates of such programs could command decent wages once hired. Public-private
apprenticeship programs could incentivize companies to take on people on a
temporary basis so they learn the skills needed for the job while the
government subsidizes the person until their training is done in lieu of other
welfare benefits.
Now, this would still have to be balanced against revenues
and other spending programs, and some distortions will still occur in other
areas, but they will be minimal compared to the proposed hike in minimum wage
and such programs would have the benefit of developing a better more highly
skilled workforce that can grow in experience and knowledge rather than simply
remain in low-paying work until retirement.
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